

不愤不启,不悱不发 | 新英才剑桥国际中心“第三届教师论坛”成功举办

作者:新英才 时间:2024/1/16 9:56:00 点击数:



本次教师论坛以“Active Learning(主动式学习)”为主题,邀请来自不同学科的七位教师登台分享。立足于剑桥国际中心倡导的“建构主义”教学理论,各位老师分别介绍在本学科内如何让学生作为信息的主动建构者参与课堂,不断建构新的经验知识。


Audel Mamut


 CIC English Teacher


· Graduated from New Mexico State University with honors. B.A. in International Trade and Economics

· Celta certified at Language Link, Cambridge Assessment

· Qualified in CELTA

· Over 7 years of working experience at educational institutions


课题名称:The Power of Active Learning: Unlocking Student Potential through Engagement


My presentation goes beyond the conventional teaching approaches and delves into an immersive educational experience. Active Learning is more than a trend; it's a powerful tool that reshapes the educational landscape. As we delve into its principles, examine real-world examples, and discuss effective methodologies, we discover how we can collectively revolutionize the learning experience for our students and unlock the doors to deeper understanding, critical thinking, and a more enriching educational journey. 







· 剑桥国际中心升学指导教师

· 从事国际教育工作3年,担任班主任2年

· 巴斯大学 TESOL 文学硕士研究生

· 利物浦大学 金融数学 理学硕士研究生

· 首都师范大学数学与应用数学(师范)本科







· 伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)经济学荣誉学士

· 任教IGCSE数学及IGCSE附加数学

· 17岁出国求学,国际教育亲历者,数学、进阶数学、物理、经济学四科 A Level A*

· 曾获UKMT Senior Maths Challenge 金奖, BPhO物理竞赛铜奖。擅长数学、统计、经济学、英语语言跨学科融合

课题名称:Making Connections between Interdisciplinarity and Mathematics


Mathematics is probably the most interdisciplinary subject that connects as many as courses in the CAIE curriculum. The various formulae, the subtle think paradigm as well as the transferable skills hidden in math envisioned the depth of students' academic purse. Therefore, during teacher forum, we focused on answering the following questions:

1 What is an interdisciplinary learning?

2 In what way could a teacher implement interdisciplinary courses effectively?

3 How do students in BNTA-CIC achieve their interdisciplinary study?

4 How does math help the construction of an interdisciplinary learning?






· 从事IGCSE Accounting,A Level Accounting教学工作4年

· 指导多名毕业生进入Top前20 商科专业

· 从事美国会计工作两年

· 美国佛罗里达国际大学 MBA专业 研究生

· 湖北工业大学 财务管理专业 本科

课题名称:How to Design Effective Questions to Improve Students' Analytical and Evaluation Skills Based on Financial Analysis in Accounting?


Some key concepts in Accounting are mentioned in her speech, which include engaging with data, paying attention to detail, considering opposing viewpoints, sensitivity-based approach, and evaluating data accuracy and precision. We also focus on how to improve students’ analytical skills and enhance students’ evaluation skills in the financial analysis of Apple Inc. Based on these, we give some tips to help design effective questions.






· IB课程认证教师

· 所带学生A Level中文大考A率97%,曾帮助多名· 中文薄弱学生大考摘获A*

· 香港教育大学硕士

课题名称:从“玩家”到“作家”——剧本杀在A Level 文学作品学习中的探索













· 从事IGCSE, A Level Chemistry等教学三年,国际化学竞赛UKChO, ASOC, JCCO, ICQ (原ANCQ) 等教学与培优工作八年,理工类学科升学指导(英国方向)两年

· 所指导学生成绩优秀,屡次在化学竞赛中获奖;多名学生获得G5学校录取

· 中国科学院大学+丹麦哥本哈根大学,双学位博士研究生,环境化学专业

· 在Environmental Pollution等国际期刊,发表SCI论文13篇,中文核心论文4篇,参与国家级、省级和企业研究课题7项。中国科学院大学博士研究生国际合作培养计划奖学金获得者,以及丹麦S.C.Van Fondon企业奖学金获得者

课题名称:The Enhancement of Knowledge and Skills through the EPQ Project in Applying for G5 Universities in the UK for International Senior High Schools


The presentation explores the benefits of EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) project for international high school students applying for UK G5 universities. EPQ is a unique opportunity that enhances knowledge and skills, providing students with a competitive edge in their academic and personal development. The presentation outlined the key benefits of EPQ, including its impact on students' applications, personal growth, and future academic success.






· 从事国际教育工作7年,担任班主任2年

· 南澳大学 教育学 硕士

· 首都师范大学 物理学 本科

课题名称:Assessment for Learning

Assessment for learning (AfL) is an approach, integrated into teaching and learning, which creates feedback for students and teachers in order to improve learning and guide their next steps.



1 Definition of Assessment for Learning (AfL) and its distinction from Assessment of Learning

2 Association of AfL with social constructivist theories

3 The cycle and implementation of AfL

4 Various tools and strategies for implementing AfL in the classroom

5 Key aspects of AfL practice

6 Challenges associated with AfL

7 References for further information on the topic
















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